Thankfully, most people do not have extensive personal experience when it comes to personal injury law cases. This is a good thing because it means that the average person does not routinely find themselves in a position where they have suffered injuries as the result of negligence. Unfortunately, this also means that the average person does not typically have the knowledge they need to effectively represent themselves in these situations. That is precisely why individuals should always seek out the services of a personal injury lawyer when dealing with these types of situations. The problem is, with many people lacking basic information concerning this area of the law, it is quite common for individuals to put off making the necessary call to an attorney. That is why this article aims to arm you with this important information so that you do not make this same mistake.

Fact #1: There Are Time Limits In All Personal Injury Law Cases

While there is not a time limit associated with how long you or your attorney can negotiate an out-of-court settlement for your injuries, there are time limits associated with your ability to file a formal personal injury lawsuit with the court. It is your ability to seek this type of legal intervention that provides you with the necessary leverage to effectively negotiate with the insurance company. Consequently, if you hope to walk away from these negotiations with the compensation you deserve, you will need to reach a settlement before your right to legal recourse expires. For this reason, it is important that you do not procrastinate when it comes to securing the services of a personal injury lawyer. 

Fact #2: Personal Injury Lawyers Handle Much More Than Just Car Accident Claims

People often associate personal injury law with car accident claims. While it may be true that a large number of the cases that are handled by personal injury lawyers do involve automobile accidents, this is just one of the many types of cases that these attorneys are qualified to handle. In addition to car accident claims, you can expect personal injury lawyers to be helpful when dealing with cases involving:

  • workers compensation claims
  • disability benefits
  • dog bite claims
  • slip & fall injuries
  • product liability claims
  • medical malpractice
  • wrongful death

Fact #3: You Don't Need Money To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

One of the primary reasons that people often put off contacting a personal injury lawyer to assist with their case is because they don't think they can afford to seek out legal counsel. This is especially true in cases where individuals have experienced a loss of income as a result of their injuries. If you have found yourself in this situation, it is important for you to know that you do not need any money in order to hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you. Not only do these lawyers traditionally offer free consultations, but they also work on a contingency basis, which means you have no financial obligation to them unless they win your case. All of your legal fees will then be taken out of your total settlement amount rather than requiring you to find the money to cover these costs out of your own pocket.

Click for more info on personal injury law.
